I Am Curves Part II: Body

I am Curves; my life experiences have defined who I am today and I simply celebrate Tiffany.

The challenge in the ever changing and judgmental world is to simply celebrate your individuality and your uniqueness. All too often we get caught up in the image that society puts on us. This is not just for the woman but for males as well. There is a certain perception of what we should wear and how thin or “curvy” we should be and we simply miss the mark of appreciating the individual that God has created us to be.

Healthy Curves

I believe that emind-spirit-1veryone should be healthy. We should strive every day to make the best decision concerning our health. I believe that we should not overindulge in foods and beverages that are not designed to keep our bodies moving in the optimal way that God created us. Yet, many times we miss the mark. We cause ourselves to get depressed because we do not meet certain criteria of weight and “image.” This is a huge mistake because this may mean that you “dislike” who you are.

Yes, it is ok to want “improve” your image. Lose a few pounds, color your hair, tone and tighten but we should not become obsessed with trying to create an image for a purpose that has no long lasting value. The person that you decide to date or marry should be someone who although may be concerned about her health, will love and care for you the way that you are.

Our Temple

Our body is a temple and it is important that we treat is as such. So if you are struggling with getting on track, start with small adjustments; instead of drinking sodas daily treat yourself only on the weekends. Instead of dessert at every meal have it once a week. Add more fruits and vegetables to your daily meal plan. If you are not committed to a gym DO NOT join one! Rather, start by taking walks in the morning, at work or even during your lunch break.

Respect your body, because we only have one body here on earth. I don’t know about you, but I want to live long and healthy as long as I can. Let me know what you are doing to live healthy, our community would LOVe to hear from you.

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